Nurturing the Next Gen
Create a Next Gen Instructor pipeline
Use this insights-led report to shape your Instructor recruitment strategy
Here's a sneak peak at what's inside
Why Next Gen Instructors love teaching
Photo of Instructor Grace
Grace, USA

"My favorite thing about being an Instructor is the community it creates. It’s more than just working out, it’s a group of people encouraging and motivating each other. Being able to lead that is the most fantastic feeling in the whole world."
Photo of Instructor Camryn
Camryn, UK/AUS

"I would never have become an Instructor if it hadn’t been for my GFM picking me out. I didn’t ask enough questions to think that that was something that I should do and that it had a purpose in my life. But being told I should do it got me through the door and I’ve never looked back."
Photo of Instructor Chloe
Chloe, UK

"As an Instructor I have found that my courage and confidence have been challenged at times. What’s helped me face that fear is being open with the people around me. The Instructor community is such a supportive one, and it’s been really useful for me to lean on others.”
Photo of Instructor Ali
Ali, USA

"The surprising thing about being an Instructor is…you get paid to get fitter! That, and discovering that people were inspired by what I was doing. My friends, family and of course, my classes."
- Nurturing the Next Gen: Blueprint for Instructor Recruitment
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